How Can Self-Monitoring Of Type 1 Diabetes Help You

If you have diabetes, you are not alone. Worldwide, there are millions of people living with diabetes, and type 1 diabetes can occur at any age. It is a manageable condition, and with proper treatment, you can live a long and fulfilled life. Eating well, exercising for Type 1 diabetes, support, monitoring blood sugar and insulin, and recognizing type 1 diabetes symptoms are important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Understanding the risks of blood sugar imbalance and hyperglycemia signs is crucial for preventing diabetic emergencies. 

What is Type 1 Diabetes or T1D?1

Diabetes is a condition where the amount of sugar (glucose) in your blood is higher than normal. Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is where the body produces little or no insulin. Insulin is needed to help sugar enter the cells of your body. The sugar comes from the food you eat and it is used in all cells and organs to generate the energy that keeps your body going.

The insulin that is missing in your body has to be replaced. Insulin cannot be taken through the mouth, but it must be injected.

Is Your Blood Sugar Level In The Healthy Range?

Food intake, delivering sugar to the cells and turning it into energy are essential processes in our bodies. The levels of sugar in the blood result from these processes. If the levels are too high or too low, there is the risk of serious consequences for your body. Therefore, normal blood sugar levels are important for your health.

Hyperglycemia – High Blood Sugar Levels2

When the sugar level in your blood rises above the normal range, you become hyperglycemia. If your sugar level stays too high for a long time, there is a risk of damage to organs and other complications.

High blood sugar levels develop when your body does not produce enough insulin or does not respond well to insulin. It can also happen when a person with diabetes forgets an insulin injection or if the injected insulin dose was too low.

Hyperglycemia – Low Blood Sugar Levels2

Your blood sugar level can also fall below the normal range, resulting in hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is often called an “insulin reaction”, because it can occur after taking too much insulin. Low blood sugar levels are common with type 1 diabetes patients – on average, episodes with symptoms occur twice a week. The number of unnoticed lows (without symptoms, at night) could be even higher.

If blood sugar levels fall too low, you can lose important functions, such as the ability to think and act normally. Low blood sugar levels require immediate action!

Contact your Healthcare Professional to discuss your individual blood sugar target range.

What is the difference between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia?

Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia refer to low and high blood sugar levels, respectively. Understanding the distinction between these conditions is crucial for effective diabetes management. Hypoglycemia can cause symptoms like dizziness and confusion, while hyperglycemia may lead to increased thirst and fatigue. Recognizing these differences helps in taking appropriate actions to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Type of insulin Heading Delivery (time taken to reach bloodstream*) Heading Peak (time taken to reach highest level of effectiveness*) Heading Peak (time taken to reach highest level of effectiveness*) Duration (length of time it stays effective) Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
Type of insulin
Delivery (time taken to reach bloodstream*)
≈15 minutes
Peak (time taken to reach highest level of effectiveness*)
≈1 hour
Peak (time taken to reach highest level of effectiveness*) Duration (length of time it stays effective)
≈2 to 4 hours
Type of insulin
Regular or short-acting
Delivery (time taken to reach bloodstream*)
≈30 minutes
Peak (time taken to reach highest level of effectiveness*)
≈2 to 3 hours
Peak (time taken to reach highest level of effectiveness*) Duration (length of time it stays effective)
≈3 to 6 hours
Type of insulin
Delivery (time taken to reach bloodstream*)
≈2 to 4 hours
Peak (time taken to reach highest level of effectiveness*)
≈4 to 12 hours
Peak (time taken to reach highest level of effectiveness*) Duration (length of time it stays effective)
≈12 to 18 hours
Type of insulin
Delivery (time taken to reach bloodstream*)
Several hours
Peak (time taken to reach highest level of effectiveness*)
Reduces blood sugar levels relatively steadily over 24 hours

Are you ready to start managing your Type 1 diabetes better? Learn more about how our products can support you!

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*CONTOUR®NEXT GEN blood glucose meter shown for representation. Before use please see the CONTOUR®NEXT GEN user guide for full instructions.

  1., Accessed May 2024
  2., Accessed May 2024
  3., Accessed May 2024
  4., Accessed May 2024